About Breathe with ADHD
I am on a mission to offer an holistic alternative to alleviate your ADHD symptoms.
I spent many years thinking my brain was “broken”. Over the years I’ve lost count of the amount of times I lost my front door keys, missed deadlines and got stuck in a whirlwind of thoughts and overwhelm. Eventually I decided to do something about it and in 2011 I was diagnosed with ADHD.
Making sense of why my brain worked differently brought me great relief, but I still felt there was a lot that I didn’t know or understand. So I went on a deep dive to learn more about the condition and what I could do to not only manage my symptoms, but thrive. Soon I discovered mindfulness and immediately noticed the positive effect meditation had on my mind and how it made me more present.
But whilst it helped quieten the constant chatter in my head, there was still a missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle. I didn’t understand the importance of regulating my nervous system and the effect it was having on my ADHD. Often I would rush from one task to the next, unaware that shallow breathing was directly linked to my anxiety. I was clueless about how the breath played a vital role in this and it wasn’t until I discovered breathwork that everything changed.
I began incorporating it into my daily routine, which had a profound impact on my emotional and mental health. It soon helped me in many other areas, improving my concentration, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
This led me on a journey to retrain as a breathwork facilitator and mindfulness coach, with the aim of helping others with ADHD. Offering breathwork for children, performers, and mindfulness for ADHD.
If you looking for to manage your symptoms please contact me to find out more.